Our Master Artists are trained by Celebrity Microblading Artist Lindsey Ta and specialize in her award-winning techniques. Say goodbye to drawing on your brows every morning. Say hello to effortless eyebrows.
Step 1


A lot of clients ask us, “Does it hurt?” The answer is: nope! Most clients do not complain about any pain, and some even fall asleep during the process! Before the procedure, we apply a topical anesthetic and wait 30 minutes to ensure you feel as little discomfort as possible. You can sit back, relax, and dream of having eyebrows in the shower… because it’s all happening!
Step 2

We Interview You

Each new hair stroke that is drawn by an MLA Master Artist is meant to simulate the client natural eyebrows hair and seamlessly blend it with the client existing brows to add color and fullness resulting in a very natural look. Our microblading process ensures that we design a customized shape, look, and feel that complements your face and your personality. With our experienced MLA Master Artists at the helm, the results will be gorgeous yet undetectable
Step 3


Once we determine your best brows, we’ll sketch your new eyebrows directly on your face. During this step, we’ll ask you to smile, laugh, and make different facial expressions. Our goal is to create beautiful brows that match the symmetry of your face. We’ll help you find the perfect color and shape just for your face.
Step 4


Yes, there are more than a few different approaches to Microblading. There are 1D Eyebrows, where hair strokes all go in one direction. There are 3D Eyebrows, where the hair strokes are laid out in a specific pattern across the eyebrow ridges, Creating a 3-D effect. Here at MLA, world-renowned microblading artist Lindsey Ta created a specific hair pattern that has been recognized as one of the most natural and popular microblading designs in the industry. This transformational microblading pattern, can be performed accurately only by an MLA Master Artists, is the reason why customers come here from all over the world.
Step 5


A new set of Microbladed eyebrows takes two appointments to complete. The technique and art of microblading is very delicate and for this reason it needs two visits to ensure that all the strokes are evenly saturated with pigment. The second appointment is called a complementary touchup and takes place 6 to 8 weeks after the initial appointment after the pigments settled into the skin. In this complementary touchup, the artist makes any needed adjustments and ensures each hair-stroke has even color.
Our happy customers wake up to flawless brows, and we take great pride in that. Our services from Microblading to Powder Brows can change your life! Check out our Instagram channel for emotional eyebrow transformations