Lip Blush

Lip Blush

Lip blushing is a cosmetic tattooing technique that enhances the natural color and shape of the lips, providing a semi-permanent alternative to traditional lipstick.


  1. Consultation: As with other PMU procedures, lip blushing begins with a consultation to discuss your lip goals and select the appropriate color.
  2. Numbing: A numbing cream is applied to the lips to minimize discomfort.
  3. Tattooing: The PMU artist uses a specialized tool to deposit pigment evenly across the lips, creating a natural and youthful appearance.
  4. Aftercare: After the procedure, you'll need to follow specific aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and pigment retention.
  5. Duration: The lip blushing procedure typically takes around 2 to 3 hours from start to finish, including consultation, numbing, tattooing, and aftercare instructions.


Lip blushing results can last between 1 to 3 years, depending on individual factors. Periodic touch-up sessions can help maintain the color and shape.


Keep Lips Moisturized: Apply a recommended ointment or lip balm provided by your technician to keep your lips moisturized for the first few days. This helps prevent excessive dryness and cracking.

Avoid Excessive Moisture: Refrain from exposing your lips to excessive moisture for the first week. Avoid hot beverages, saunas, and steam rooms.

No Makeup or Lip Products: Avoid using lipstick, lip gloss, or any other lip makeup on the treated area until it's fully healed.

Be Mindful of Eating: Be cautious while eating to prevent rubbing or irritation of the lip area. Avoid spicy and hot foods during the initial healing period.

Sun Protection: Protect your lips from direct sunlight by applying a lip balm with SPF. Sun exposure can cause fading.