

Microblading is a semi-permanent eyebrow enhancement procedure that creates natural-looking, hair-like strokes


  1. Consultation: A consultation is held to determine your preferred eyebrow shape, color, and style.
  2. Numbing: A topical numbing cream is applied to the eyebrow area to minimize discomfort.
  3. Blading: A technician uses a microblade tool to create small, precise strokes that mimic eyebrow hairs.
  4. Aftercare: After the procedure, you'll be given aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and pigment retention.


The results of microblading can last from 1 to 2 years, although touch-up sessions may be required to maintain the shape and color as the pigment fades naturally over time.

It's important to note that the duration of results for all these procedures can vary based on individual factors, including skin type, lifestyle, and how well aftercare instructions are followed.


No Moisture: Keep the treated eyebrows dry for at least seven days after the procedure. Avoid sweating, swimming, and wetting your eyebrows.

No Makeup on the Area: Avoid applying makeup, especially on the eyebrows, during the initial healing period.

No Scratching or Picking: Refrain from scratching or picking at the scabs that may form during the healing process.

Use Recommended Ointment: Apply a thin layer of the ointment recommended by your technician to the eyebrows as directed.

Follow-Up Appointment: Attend any scheduled follow-up appointments with your technician to assess and touch up the results.

Remember that healing times and aftercare instructions may vary depending on the specific technique used by your PMU technician. Always follow their personalized guidance for the best results, and consult them if you have any concerns or notice unusual changes during the healing process. Proper aftercare is essential to ensure the longevity and appearance of your PMU.